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A Letter from Down Under . . . by Rani Nasser

Hey guys,

Iam in Sydney Australia! Everything is so scenic, warm, and just overall beautifull. I tried out for crew at the university of sydney, and its no joke. They have 2 Olympians on their team! Not only were they in the olympics...but this guy Al Gordon won gold in the heavyweight 8 and this other guy won silver in the pair. They are all pretty much in 6 minutes for heavyweights on their 2k. I got in as a lightweight, but gotta goto this training camp in tasmania before i get in on a boat line up and I start up as a novice again. For now iam skulling in a single...in shark infested water! Most guys tape a knife to their lower backs or on the gunnel of the boat. The other day, an eight got hit by a bull shark. It wasnt like jaws or anything, the boat just got a dent in it cause bull sharks arent like great whites. Austalian boat insurance covers that kinda stuff aparently. When I was surfing last week, I saw a tiger shark...but they dont mess with you unless they are hungry aparently. Only 2 people died from shark attacks since like 1939 in sydney. When it gets really hot like this in the summer, they are everywhere. But yeah, for the most part...the season starts in march and we got regattas EVERYWHERE. Like all over australia, new zealand, taiwan, south africa. In the Spring (your fall) we goto the charles! and the top rowers goto switzreland. But for the most part iam pretty settled in...iam suprised how well things worked out. I got this REALLY nice apartment with this chick I met from Norway a couple of weeks ago in the city. Sydney is like London mixed with Miami...its really the most beautiful place ive ever been in my life. I really want to thank you guys for introducing me to crew..or I wouldnt have been able to get to row for the Sydney Uni Club. Hofstra was the first club I rowed for, and I hope ill see you guys in the charles!

Rani Nasser

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